Lignin chemistry and selected applications (Overview Paper)
Internal work for ILI Umbrella 2010
Roger Malherbe, Alfred Abächerli
Technical lignins can be produced with many different processes, which influence significantly the properties of the resulting lignins. Besides the botanical origin of the lignin (plant species), the chemistry that is taking place during the isolation of these lignins is indeed the main factor that will determine the behaviour of separated lignins in their different fields of application.
Besides classical processes of lignin separation (Kraft process, Sulphite process, Soda process) that are largely used in the paper industry, multiple new processes have been investigated, but none of them has so far reached industrial application (organosolv processes, various biorefinery processes).
The basic overview report on lignin production, as it was in 2010, is available just below (first file under ‘View All’). This report is the base and will not be updated. Information about new lignin production processes, that are not in the overview report, can be found in the items that follow or under the different tabs. Lignin fractionation is included in this chapter and not under modifications.
Lignin chemistry and selected applications (Overview Paper)
Internal work for ILI Umbrella 2010
Roger Malherbe, Alfred Abächerli
A flexible physical protection process for Lignin extraction (Paper)
iScience, 2023
Maria Karlsson, Martin Lawoko
Protected Lignin biorefining through cyclic extraction: gaining fundamental insights into the tuneable properties of lignin by chemometrics (Paper)
Green Chemistry, 2022
Maria Karlsson, Vijaya Lakshmi Vegunta, Raghu Deshpande, Martin Lawoko
Toward a consolidated Lignin biorefinery: Preserving the Lignin structure through additive-free protection strategies (Paper)
ChemSusChem, 2020
Maria Karlsson, Nicola Giummarella, Pär A. Lindén, Martin Lawoko
Quantitative prediction of the solvent fractionation of Lignin (Paper)
Green Chemistry, 2023
Stijn H. M. van Leuken, Dannie J. G. P. van Osch, Panos D. Kouris, Yawen Yao, Monika A. Jedrzejczyk, Geert J. W. Cremers, Katrien V. Bernaerts, Rolf A. T. M. van Benthem, Remco Tuinier, Michael D. Boot, Emiel J. M. Hensen, Mark Vis
Kumagawa and soxhlet solvent fractionation of Lignin: The impact of the chemical structure (Paper)
ACS Omega, 2022
Rosarita D'Orsi, Jeannette J. Lucejko, Francesco Babudri, Alessandra Operamolla
Lignin recovery technology transfer: First industrial implementation of the LPS process in India (Slides)
ILI Forum 7, Barcelona 2005
Jairo H. Lora
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS Kraft Lignin production plant at Suzano (Netpage)
The next generation LignoBoost (Slides)
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
Henrik Wallmö
Development & demonstration of the LignoBoost process
ILI Forum 8, Rome 2007 and FRAM 2 project
Per Tomani
Effect of precipitation conditions on properties of Lignin from the LignoBoost process
ILI Forum 8, Rome 2007 and Ecobinders project
Henrik Wallmö, Hans Theliander, Karin Lindgren
Lignin removal from different black liquors (Proceedings Reprint)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Helsinki 2012
P. Tomani, P. Axegaard, L. Norberg
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS Commercialisation of the LignoBoost process (Proceedings)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Stockholm 2014
M. Wimby, A. Larsson, H. Wallmö, A. Littorin
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS a first Lignoboost plant started up at Domtar (Link)
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS - Domtar restarted and cooperation with UPM (News)
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS -New LignoBoost plant running in Finland (PressRelease)
2015, Sunila, Finland
Integration of Lignin removal into a Kraft pulp mill and use of Lignin as a biofuel (Paper)
5th International Colloquium on Eucalyptus Pulp, 2011. Porto Seguro, Bahia, Brazil
P. Tomani, P. Axegard, N. Berglin, A. Lovell, D. Nordgren
Lignin from biorefineries: Progression from market development scale to commercial scale production (Slides)
ILI Forum 8, Rome 2007
E. Kendall Pye
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS - Lignol taken over by Fibria (News)
The German lignocellulose feedstock biorefinery project (Proceedings Reprint)
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), 2011, Stockholm, Sweden
J. Michels and K. Wagemann
The German lignocellulose biorefinery project
1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, 2011, Berlin, Germany
J. Michels and K. Wagemann, N. Tippkötter, G. Unkelbach
Emerging applications for new types of industrial Lignin (Slides)
M. Delmas, CIVM Biomass Technologies, Levallois Perret , France
Tomorrow's biorefineries in Europe: The CIMV organosolv process (Slides)
BIOCORE EU project, Biorefinery project reunion, Brussels, 2014
B. Benjelloum
La bioraffinerie lignocellulosique
Bioenergiesud, Nimes,2011
M. Delmas, CIVM Biomass Technologies, Levallois Perret , France
La Biolignine (TM): Structure et application a l'elaboration de resine epoxy
G.-H. Delmas, CIVM Biomass Technologies
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS - Borregaard and Rayonier invest in new 150000 t project (PressRelease)
The BALI project - Borregaard Background - Project Summary (Slides)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Stockholm 2014
J. Gargulak
Scaling up Borregaard's BALI™ biorefinery concept (Proceedings Reprint)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Helsinki 2012
A. Sjøde, M. Lersch
Biobutanol from forest residues - a process utilizing SO2-ethanol-water fractionation and ABE fermentation (Proceedings Reprint)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Helsinki 2012
Minna Yamamoto, Evangelos Sklavounos, Shrikant Survase, German Jurgens, Tom Granstrom
FPInnovations' novel fractionation process for lignocellulosic biomass (Proceedings Reprint)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Helsinki 2012
Ch. Mao, Z. Yuan, D. Wong, W. W. Al Dajani, T. Browne
The LignoForce System™ for the recovery of lignin from black liquor (Proceedings Reprint)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Helsinki 2012
L. Kouisni, M. Paleologou, P. Holt-Hindle, K. Maki
The FPInnovations Lignin Demonstration Plant: Process Description and Lignin Products (Slides)
TAPPI PEERS Conference, Savannah 2012
L. Kouisni, M. Paleologou, P. Holt-Hindle, K. Maki
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS on LignoForce Process in Pulp and Paper Canada (Link)
contains additional analytical data, 2014
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS commercial LignoForce Plant announced at Westfraser-Hinton
2014, Hinton, Canada
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS - New Lignin plant at Westfraser operating (News)
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS MeadWestvaco spinning off chemical business which includes lignin (Link)
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS about Ingevity that took over the Lignin business of MeadWestvaco (Press)
Short press article, 2016
Kraft Pine Lignin INDULIN® AT
MeadWestvaco Corporation, Charleston, USA
Implementation of lignin-based biorefinery within a Canadian kraft mill: Impact on utility system and solutions toward optimal operation (Proceedings Reprint)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Helsinki 2012
A. Hammache, E. Ayotte
Impact of lignin extraction on the recovery loop of the Kraft process: Measures to minimize the consumption of chemicals (Proceedings Reprint)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Helsinki 2012
M. Kannangara, C. Liebich, M. Marinova, L. Fradette, J. Paris
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS Update on VIRDIA's ligno-cellulosic biorefinery platform (Proceedings)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Stockholm 2014
N. Lapidot, R. Jansen
Sugars and lignin from cellulosic source - high quality, high value products - the "wet wood milling" approach (Proceedings Reprint)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Helsinki 2012
N. Lapidot, Eran Baniel - Virdia
The SLRP Process - An innovative Lignin-recovery technology (Proceedings)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Stockholm 2014
M.A. Lake, J.C. Blackburn
LignoFibre (Proceedings)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Stockholm 2014
H. Kangas, T. Tamminen, T. Liitiä, T. K. Hakala, K. Poppius
High purity Lignin, Lignin compositions, and higher structured Lignin (Patent)
US 2014/0275501 A1, patent, 2014
Ewellyn A. Capanema, Mikhail Y. Balakshin - Renmatix Inc.
Rapid refining of lignocellulosics to carbohydrates and Lignin-based new materials (lignophenols) and design of sustainable industrial network connecting forests and chemical industries (Proceedings Reprint)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Helsinki 2012
M. Funaoka - Mie University, Japan
Biorefining forest residue using SPORL: Process scale-up design, Lignin co-product and high solids fermentation without detoxification (Proceedings)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Stockholm 2014
J. Cheng, H. Zhou, R. Gleisner, X.J. Pan, J.Y. Zhu
Ethanol-based organosolv fractionation of wheat straw for the production of Lignin and enzymatically digestible cellulose (Paper)
BIOCORE EU project, Bioresource Technology, 2013
J. Wildschut, A. T. Smit, J. H. Reith, W.J.J. Huijgen
Softwook Kraft Lignin isolation from black liquor: From laboratory to pilot-scale production
13th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP), Sevilla, Spain, 2014
F. Bertaud, M. Petit, A. Guillemain, S. Tapin, S. Molina
Improving the competitiveness of lignin-recovery technology: Techno-economic analyses and process-development work (Proceedings)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Stockholm 2014
P. McKeough, J. Leffler, J. Risen
Wood hydrolysis industry in Soviet Union and Russia: A mini-review (Paper)
Cellulose chemistry and technology (CCT) 2009
Mikhail Rabinovich - Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
The wood hydrolysis industry in Soviet Union and Russia: What can be learned from history? (Slides)
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
Mikhail Rabinovich - Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Separation of Lignin and hemicelluloses in hardwood black liquors by ultrafiltration (Slides)
ILI Workshop, Zürich/Dübendorf 2008, WaCheUp and FRAM 2 projects
Evaluation of methods for composition, functional groups and molecular mass on a Lignin fractionated by ultrafiltration (Poster)
Italic 5 and COST FP0602, Varenna Italy, 2009
A. Abächerli, T.Q. Nguyen, J. Lora, S. Lepifre, R. Gosselink, U. von Arx
Molar mass dependent profiling of functional groups in Kraft Lignin (Proceedings)
14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP), Grenoble, France, 2016
G. Zinovyev, I. Sumerskii, P. Korntner, I. Sulaeva, T. Rosenau, A. Potthast
New approach for Lignin isolation from spent sulfite liquors (Proceedings)
13th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP), Sevilla, Spain, 2014
I. Sumerskii, P. Kortner, T. Resenau, A. Potthast
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS - Abengoa opens world's largest cellulosic biorefinery (PressRelease)
2015, Hugoton, Kansas, USA
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS - Abengoa in bankruptcy (News)
Two-step fractionation of a model technical Lignin by combined organic solvent extraction and membrane ultrafiltration (Paper)
Omega 2019
Chiara Allegretti, Simon Fontanay, Klaus Rischka, Alberto Strini, Julien Troquet, Stefano Turri, Gianmarco Griffini, Paola D'Arrigo
Two-step fractionation of a model technical Lignin by combined organic solvent extraction and membrane ultrafiltration (Paper)
Omega 2019
Chiara Allegretti, Simon Fontanay, Klaus Rischka, Alberto Strini, Julien Troquet, Stefano Turri, Gianmarco Griffini, Paola D'Arrigo
Valuable chemicals from plant straws (Slides)
Ortwin Ertl- Annikki GmbH
Investigation of ionic liquid Lignin isolated from spruce by dissolution in binary system 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate–dimethylsulfoxide (Proceedings)
14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP), Grenoble, France, 2016
A. Ladesov, K. Bogolitsyn, D. Kosyakov, M. Kuznetsova
Ionic liquids as a tool for technical Lignins valorisation (Proceedings)
14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP), Grenoble, France, 2016
M. Lauberts, L. Lauberte, T. Dizhbite, A. Volperts, J. Ponomarenko, V. Jurkjane, G. Telysheva
Evaluation of deep eutectic solvent potential to selectively extract Lignin from Eucalyptus globulus wood (Proceedings)
14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP), Grenoble, France, 2016
B. Soares, M.G. Freire, A.J.D. Silvestre, C.S.R. Freire, J.A.P. Coutinho, J.L. Amaral
Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of lignocellulosic bio-oils: The potential of fuel upgrading and chemical recovery (Paper)
Energies, 2020
Nikolaos Montesantos and Marco Maschietti
Dioxane-based extraction process for production of high quality Lignin (Paper)
Bioresource Technology Reports, 2019
Mriganka Sahaa, Philip Bernstein Saynika, Arupjyoti Boraha, Ritesh S. Malania, Prachi Aryac, Shivangic, Vijayanand S. Moholkar
Wheat straw Lignin - Isolation and characterization of a plant cell wall networking polymer (PhD)
Dissertation, 2017
Florian Zikeli
Aqueous acetone fractionation of kraft, organsolv and soda Lignins
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
J. Dominguez-Robles, A. Rodriguez, T. Tamminen, T. Liitiä, M. S. Peresin, A-S. Jääskeläinen
Aqueous acetone fractionation of kraft, organsolv and soda Lignins (Paper)
Biological Macromolecules 2017
J. Dominguez-Robles, A. Rodriguez, T. Tamminen, T. Liitiä, M. S. Peresin, A-S. Jääskeläinen
The emerging bio-refinery industry needs to refine Lignin prior to use (Paper)
Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials, 2014
Dimitris S. Argyropoulos
Production of homogeneous Kraft Lignin by aqueous solvent fractionation (Proceedings)
14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP), Grenoble, France, 2016
Anna-Stiina Jääskeläinen, Tiina Liitiä, Tarja Tamminen
Lignin extraction, purification and depolymerization study (PhD)
PhD 2012
A. Toledano, p.27 Lignin extraction from olive tree pruning, p.75 Lignin ultrafiltration
Fractionation of technical Lignins for improvement of their antioxidant properties (Slides)
12th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP), Helsinki 2012
T. Dizhbite, G. Lebedeva, V. Jurkjane, G. Telysheva, J. Ponomarenko, M. Lauberts
The impact of the fractionation method on the chemical structure and reactivity of industrial Kraft Lignins
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
A. Tagami, M. E. Lindstrom, C. Gioia, O. Sevastyanova, M. Lauberts, G. Dobele, T. Dizhbite
Study of fractionation of Lignin by ultrafiltration and selective precipitation (Paper)
Spanish National Project 2009
A. Toledano, A. Garcia, , I. Egües, R. Llano
Efficient and sustainable separation of complex biomass streams through membrane technology (Proceedings)
14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp (EWLP), Grenoble, France, 2016
P. Vandezande, M. Dubreuil, K. Servaes, A. Buekenhoudt, B. Bongers, W. Porto
Lignin separation and fractionation by ultrafiltration (Slides)
A. Toledano, I. Egües, A. Garcia, M. Gonzalez, A. Andres, R. Llano
A flexible physical protection process for Lignin extraction (Paper)
iScience, 2023
Maria Karlsson, Martin Lawoko
Protected Lignin biorefining through cyclic extraction: gaining fundamental insights into the tuneable properties of lignin by chemometrics (Paper)
Green Chemistry, 2022
Maria Karlsson, Vijaya Lakshmi Vegunta, Raghu Deshpande, Martin Lawoko
Toward a consolidated Lignin biorefinery: Preserving the Lignin structure through additive-free protection strategies (Paper)
ChemSusChem, 2020
Maria Karlsson, Nicola Giummarella, Pär A. Lindén, Martin Lawoko
Quantitative prediction of the solvent fractionation of Lignin (Paper)
Green Chemistry, 2023
Stijn H. M. van Leuken, Dannie J. G. P. van Osch, Panos D. Kouris, Yawen Yao, Monika A. Jedrzejczyk, Geert J. W. Cremers, Katrien V. Bernaerts, Rolf A. T. M. van Benthem, Remco Tuinier, Michael D. Boot, Emiel J. M. Hensen, Mark Vis
Kumagawa and soxhlet solvent fractionation of Lignin: The impact of the chemical structure (Paper)
ACS Omega, 2022
Rosarita D'Orsi, Jeannette J. Lucejko, Francesco Babudri, Alessandra Operamolla
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS Kraft Lignin production plant at Suzano (Netpage)
Dioxane-based extraction process for production of high quality Lignin (Paper)
Bioresource Technology Reports, 2019
Mriganka Sahaa, Philip Bernstein Saynika, Arupjyoti Boraha, Ritesh S. Malania, Prachi Aryac, Shivangic, Vijayanand S. Moholkar
Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of lignocellulosic bio-oils: The potential of fuel upgrading and chemical recovery (Paper)
Energies, 2020
Nikolaos Montesantos and Marco Maschietti
Two-step fractionation of a model technical Lignin by combined organic solvent extraction and membrane ultrafiltration (Paper)
Omega 2019
Chiara Allegretti, Simon Fontanay, Klaus Rischka, Alberto Strini, Julien Troquet, Stefano Turri, Gianmarco Griffini, Paola D'Arrigo
The next generation LignoBoost (Slides)
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
Henrik Wallmö
Wheat straw Lignin - Isolation and characterization of a plant cell wall networking polymer (PhD)
Dissertation, 2017
Florian Zikeli
The impact of the fractionation method on the chemical structure and reactivity of industrial Kraft Lignins
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
A. Tagami, M. E. Lindstrom, C. Gioia, O. Sevastyanova, M. Lauberts, G. Dobele, T. Dizhbite
An optimal approach for isolating Lignin and LCC preparations (Slides)
ASC meeting, Dallas, 2014
Ewellyn Capanema, Mikhail Balakshin
Extraction of lignin from kraft black liquor by membrane filtration (Proceedings)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Stockholm 2014
A. Arkell, J. Olsson, O. Wallberg, L. Stigsson
Production of a pure Lignin product, Part 2: Separation of Lignin from membrane filtration permeates of black liquor (Proceedings)
Northern Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), Stockholm 2014
R. Ziesig, P. Tomani, H. Theliander
NEWS-NEWS-NEWS a second Lignoboost plant announced at Stora Enso (Link)
Fractionation and structural characterisation of softwood kraft lignins (Proceedings Reprint)
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), 2012, Helsinki, Finland
M. Alekhina, O. Ershova, H. Sixta, A. Ebert
Modification of the Lignin structure during alkaline delignification of eucalyptus wood by Kraft, Soda-AQ, and Soda-O2 Cooking (Paper)
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013
P. Prinsen, J. Rencoret, A. Gutiérrez, J. C. del Rio, M. A. Berbis, J. Jimenez-Barbero, A. T. Martinez, T. Liitiä, T. Tamminen
Lignin purification with green solvents (Paper)
Cellulose chemistry and technology (CCT) 2012
R. Prado, X. Erdocia, L. Serrano, J. Labidi
Impact of formic/acetic acid and ammonia pre-treatments on chemical structure and physico-chemical properties of Miscanthus x giganteus lignins (Paper)
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2011
Caroline Vanderghem, Aurore Richel, Nicolas Jacquet, Christophe Blecker, Michel Paquot
Evaluation of various ultrafiltration membranes for the treatment of solutions derived from alkali treatment of straw (Poster)
ICOM 2011 Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A. Fuqhaha, F. Zikeli, T. Ters, A. Friedl
Liberation of cellulose from the lignin cage (Proceedings Reprint)
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), 2011, Stockholm, Sweden
M. Hakola, M. Leskela, T. Repo, T. Riekkola, P. Wrigstedt, A. Kallioinen, M. Siika-aho, N. von Weymarn
Modified Organosolv as a fractionation process of lignocellulosic biomass for co-production of fuels and chemicals (Proceedings Reprint)
16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Valencia 2008 - Biosynergy and LignoValue projects
W.J.J. Huijgens, R.R. van der Laan, J.H. Reith
Polymerisation of different Lignins by Laccase (Paper)
Biosynergy project 2008 - BioResources 3(2)
M.-L. Mattinen, T. Suortti, A. Suurnakki, T. Tamminen, R. Gosselink, D. S. Argyropoulos, Dmitry Evtuguin, E. de Jong
Modified Organosolv fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass for production of high quality Lignin (and fermentable sugars) (Slides)
ILI Workshop, Zürich/Dübendorf 2008 and LignoValue project
W. Huijgens, R. van der Laan, H. Reith, R.J.A. Gosselink
Effect of precipitation conditions on properties of Lignin from the LignoBoost process
ILI Forum 8, Rome 2007 and Ecobinders project
Henrik Wallmö, Hans Theliander, Karin Lindgren
A novel approach for recovery of Lignin from alkaline pulping liquors (Paper)
Ecobinders project 2007
Ingrid Nohlgren, Curt Lindstrom, Lars Stigsson
Biolime- Production of a Lignin fuel from Kraft black liquor
ILI Forum 8, Rome 2007 and Ecobinders Project
Ingrid Nohlgren, Curt Lindstrom, Lars Stigsson
Physical properties of Kraft Lignin and interactions at Lignin Interfaces
ILI Forum 8, Rome 2007
M. Norgren, S.M. Notley
Self-aggregation of Kraft Lignin in Aqueous Solutions (Paper)
Workshop in the frame of the EU project WOODPRO, 2005, Riga, Latvia
M. Norgren
New Lignins from agricultural plants (Proceedings Reprint)
ILI Forum 5, Bordeaux 2000
A. Abaecherli
Low cost steam exploded Lignin from straw: degradation and use (Proceedings Reprint)
ILI Forum 5, Bordeaux 2000
C. Bonini, M. D'Auria
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